Chicco needs a new home asap. He was found on the door step of another rescuer when he was a tiny sick kitten four years ago. This is the only home he has ever known and now it is gone suddenly due to a relationship breakup.
Chicco has a beautiful soft coat of grey and white. He's a gentle shy boy who was recently boarded at our vet until we could find space for him. We were at capacity before this happened and we still are. It is not fair to him. He needs his own people.
While at the surgery Chicco was tested for Feline Immune Deficiency virus and Feline Leukemia and he is negative to both which is great news.
He is desexed, vaccinated, flea treated and wormed. He had all of his teeth out two years ago due to dental disease which was likely caused by malnutrition during the bad start he had.
Chicco when found was suffering from bad flu, covered in paint splotches and extremely ill. When I first saw him he was happily kneading the blanket and purring, in front of a fan heater.
Chicco's fee is $175.00 whichincluded lifetime registration. His microchip number is 982000364621825
He is located in Fairfield NSW. We are happy to deliver him and give a two to four weeks trial. We would also consider a foster carer for him.